Zhuang Wang

I obtained my bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2014 and my master degree from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS) under the supervision of Professor Mingyu Chen in 2017.

Email: tmwangzhuang AT outlook DOT com



  • Zhuang Wang, Ke Liu, Weiyi Chen, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang. A Novel Approach for All-to-All Routing in All-optical Hypersquare Torus Network. ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF), 2016. PDF Code

  • Ke Liu, Zhuang Wang, Jack Y. B. Lee, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang. Adapative Rate Control over Mobile Quality of Servie. ACM/IEEE IWQoS, 2016. PDF

  • Zhuang Wang, Ke Liu, Yifan Shen, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang. Intra-host Rate Control with Centralized Approach. IEEE Cluster, 2016. PDF

  • Zhuang Wang, Weifa Liang, Meitian Huang, Yu Ma. Delay-Energy Joint Optimization for Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing. arXiv:1804.10416, 2018. PDF


Sep. 2014 - June. 2017

M. E., Computer Science
Institute and Computing Technology. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
GPA: 87.9/100, Advised by Prof. Mingyu Chen
Thesis: An Application-driven Flow Scheduling in Data Centers (in Chinese)

Sept. 2010 - June. 2014

B. E., Computer Science
Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China
GPA: 87.66/100, 7/320





National Scholarship

Ministry of Education of P. R. of China


National Encouragement Scholarship

Ministry of Education of P. R. of China


National Scholarship

Ministry of Education of P. R. of China


International Postgraduate Research Scholarship

Australian government


Professional Experience

Jun. 2019 - Present

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Advised by Prof. Marco Canini

  • Scale machine learning with in-network aggregation. [see DAIET]

Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Brown University
Advised by Prof. Theophilus Benson

  • Probe TCP flows and packets information from the kernel with eBPF
  • Trace packet transmission across different layers in the kernel
  • Measure NIC-to-NIC latencies
  • Diagnose performance problems in microservices architecture

Sep. 2017 - May. 2018

Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Advised by Prof. Weifa Liang

  • Designed task offloading algorithms in Mobile Edge Computing

Jan. 2014 - May. 2014

Institue of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Advised by Prof. Binzhang Fu

  • Worked on congestion prediction in Network on Chips (NoC)


  • μBPF, a performance diagnosis framework in microservices architecture [GitHub]
    μBPF leverages eBPF to capture TCP metrics from the kernel for performance diagnosis in microservices architectures. It probes two levels of metrics: flows and packets. The flow-level metrics include sixteen elements, such as flight size, CWnd and sampled RTT. The packets-level metrics are the breakdown of RTTs, including latencies in TCP layer, IP layer, MAC layer and the network (from NIC to NIC). μBPF solved several challenges, such as network address translation in microservices architecture, clock synchronization and trace sampling.

  • Haiyun, a labeled network system [GitHub]
    Haiyun enables NICs to distinguish packets with different service-level agreements (SLAs). With the support of DPDK and mTCP, Haiyun could significantly reduce the long tail delay in data centers by keeping packets with different SLAs in different queues from NICs to applications.
    My work consists of two components.
    One is a flow generator, which could generate more than 1 million concurrent TCP connections with just one physical server. The other is a third-party tool to measure the performance of Haiyun. To measure the delay resulted from packets processing in servers, we use switches’ mirror function to monitor packets and measure their delays on a specific server. To reduce the overheads of operating system, we leverage DPDK to bypass the kernel to optimize the performance of this tool.

  • Panda, a flow scheduling in data centers [GitHub]
    Panda emulates shortest job first (SJF) scheduling to optimize the average flow completion time for throughput-intensive applications on the premise that flow information is not known a priori. Also, it bounds low latency for delay-sensitive applications by leveraging the distinct flow size distributions of the two kinds of applications. At its heart, Panda derives an optimal threshold to divide packets into two categories: large and small, ensuring that small packets dominate traffic from delay-sensitive applications and large ones dominate traffic from throughput-intensive applications. Panda then allocates each flow a counter which is initiated with zero. Large packets increase the counter while small packets decrease it. Then Panda assigns priorities to flows according to their counters.